Mission: Sustainable Loudoun promotes the development of a local community economy based on environmental stewardship and the sustainable use of resources.
Papers/resources regarding Sustainability in Loudoun County
The following papers, including some written by LCCSS members and colleagues, reflect our understanding of the challenges facing our County, and our visions for addressing those challenges.
The Paleoclimate Record and Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW)
Starting with the genesis of complex life on our planet, Tony Noerpel tracks the role of carbon and carbon dioxide in our planet's climate up to current times. His conclusion: Anthropogenic Global Warming,and other contemporary energy, environment and economy problems we face today can be addressed by conservation and investment in alternative energy sources, particularly solar.
(Nov 08)
Inhofe 400 Critique
The "Inhofe report", published initially in 2007, contains the opinions of 400 "prominent scientists" voicing objections to the well-established science on man-made global warming as described in the peer-reviewed Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report. Tony Noerpel's paper investigates the content of the Inhofe report against easily understood and measurable properties of credibility, relevance and verifiability. His conclusion: the Inhofe report is an incoherent, disorganized and confusing collection of unsupported opinion culled from op/ed pieces, newspaper articles, blogs and letters-to-the-editor. It is not science.
(Dec 08)
Solar Power and a National Grid
In a response to a mailing list post, LCCSS member Will Stewart provides a short explanation intended to provide a foundation for understanding the importance of a smart national grid. The conclusion: "We can utilize renewable energy resources such as solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, tidal, wave, etc to supply large percentages of our power requirements IF we are able to deliver these renewable resources to customers and provide pricing and/or demand management incentives to moderate power use during time of high demand or low supply."
(Nov 08)
Clean Energy
Clean coal, biofuels, corn ethanol, switch grass have all been promoted as panaceas to the current global energy crisis. Sustainable Loudoun founder Tony Noerpel summarizes the results of his research into the sustainability of various alternative energy sources.
(Aug 08)
The AGW Controversy
Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) refers to the theory that the current climate change is a product of human influence on our planet. Sustainable Loudoun founder Tony Noerpel dispels the belief that there are two sides to the scientific debate regarding AGW.
(Aug 08)
Kudos to Loudoun BOS
LCCSS member Michael Feldman approves BOS resolution to join Climate Communities in 6/27 LTE in Leesburg Today.
(Jun 08)
Living Off the Land
Local TV segment and story on Sustainable Loudoun member Will Stewart: "In an age when food prices are up, and gas prices are soaring, one family in our area isn't complaining. They've figured out how to live efficiently and save money."
(Jun 08)
No Need for Coal Energy (Letter to Editor)
LCCSS member Michael Feldman Gov. Kaine supporting the construction of a new coal-fired power plant in Wise County. Published in Loudoun Easterner, Loudoun Times Mirror, and Leesburg Today.
(April 08)
Letter to Gov Kaine
LCCSS member Gina Faber provides her perspective on Governor Kaine's state environmental policy, and suggests some alternate influences on his policy formation.
(Apr 08)
Loudoun BOS comments
Tony Noerpel addresses the Loudoun Board of Supervisors to announce Science Fair Prizes and suggest goals for the Board's newly formed ad-hoc Energy Efficiency Committee.
(March 08)
- On The Air - Exploring Air Pollution Sources and Solutions
The On the Air lesson plans present basic science concepts as well as math, technology,
social studies, language arts and health education standards. The On the Air kit is unique in
that the examples used to teach these concepts include local data, examples, and issues
specifically relevant to the Baltimore and Washington metropolitan regions. Mar 2008
- Unit 1: Wanted for Polluting Our Air
Unit 1 of the curriculum Mar 2008
- Further units will be published on the Clean Air Partners web site or directly through Rebecca Davis, Science Education Coordinator with
Clean Air Partners.
Mar 2008
(Mar 08)
Costs and Savings Associated with Green Buildings
(Feb 08)
"Kudos for Energy Efficiency" (Letter to Editor)
LCCSS member Eric White commends BOS for creation of Loudoun Energy Efficiency Committee. (published in Loudoun Times Mirror, Loudoun Easterner and the Loudoun Independent)
(Feb 08)
"Utility Companies Tax Users" (Guest Opinion)
Dominion proposes to construct a 585 Megawatt coal-fired power plant in Wise County, Virginia. A better solution would be for the state of Virginia, to start energy efficiency, demand management and renewable energy programs. Such programs, modeled after existing programs in other states would create jobs, save money, improve health, preserve the environment and prepare Virginia for the future.
(Feb 08)
The Climate Crisis for Sunday School
Is the Earth warming? What are the causes? What are the consequences? What can we do about it? A slide show presented by LCCSS members Tony Noerpel and Otto Gutenson for the Religious Education students of St Andrews Presbyterian Church in Purcellville, VA.
(Feb 08)
Two Towns Going Greener
Margaret Morton's article in Leesburg Today about "green" committees in Middleburg and Purcellville.
(Jan 08)
Sustainable Loudoun's Energy Recommendations for the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors
Specific recommendations for reducing Loudoun County's dependence on oil for energy; compiled and presented by LCCSS member Will Stewart.
(Feb 08)
Going Green Without Starting From Scratch
Most of
us already have an apartment, town house or house and are not
thinking about building a green structure from scratch. Washington Post summary of a book that shows us how to fix up our existing digs and turn it into a green den.
(Aug 07)
Dominion Seeks Approval for Coal Plant
Washington Post article regarding new coal plant proposal.
(July 07)
Congressman Bartlett and Conservation
Bartlett: "Post-oil. The Chinese get it. I wish Americans and our national leadership understood this...
The Chinese have a five point program to plan for peak and post-oil: 1. Conservation 2. Increase the proportion of domestic sources of energy. 3. Diversify sources of energy. 4. Limit negative impact on the environment 5. Engage in international cooperation. These are exactly the correct steps and steps that the U.S. should be undertaking."
Tony Noerpel interprets the latest from Rep Bartlett.
(June 07)
THe Shape of the Future
EM Risse writes: "No fantastical technology, green or otherwise, can keep the world on its increasingly energy-intensive development path. We need to get serious about conservation."
published in (Virginia's own) Bacon's Rebellion blog.
(June 07)
Mitigation or Adaptation
"Hopefully, we can all agree that the debate about global warming is over. The question before us now is: what are we going to do about it?...." published by Blue Ridge Leader Newspaper.
(June 07)
Gasoline Prices 2007
Tony Noerpel's explanation of current and future gas prices, published by Blue Ridge Leader Newspaper.
(May 07)
Thinking Critically about Climate Change and National Security
Tony Noerpel's contribution published by the Blue Ridge Leader Newspaper is a response to the recently released Pentagon Report: "National Security and the Threat of Climate Change"
(May 07)
Is Our Coastline in Danger?
Tony Noerpel's contribution published by the Blue Ridge Leader Newspaper is a brief answer to the question "How high will the seas rise?"
(Apr 07)
Sea Level Rise Uncertainty
Tony Noerpel responds to the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report published in Feb 2007.
(Apr 07)
Response to "An Convenient Lie" (Letter to Editor)
Tony Noerpel responds to Jan 26, 2007 Purcellville Gazette column "It Seems to Me" by Joseph LaFiandra
(Feb 07)
Overshoot and the Path to Sustainability
Tony Noerpel, founder of LCCSS, reflects on the unsuitability of this planet to sustain humans with our current lifestyle.
(Oct 06)
Response to "Hurricane Chavez" (Letter to the Editor)
LCCSS Founder Tony Noerpel's response to Sept 24th Washington Post Editorial Hurricane Chavez about Chavez's recent decisions to control oil in Venezuela.
(Oct 2 2006)
Global Warming, Time for Loudoun's Leaders to Act (newspaper article)
A pdf file of LCCSS member Eric White's Wed Aug 16th 2006 letter to the editor of Loudoun Times Mirror about taking action in Loudoun
(Aug 16 2006)
Peak Oil: The Crisis of Our Generation (slides)
Tom Whipple, author of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO) newsletter, provided this power point presentation in Leesburg to a 2006 meeting of LCCSS.
(Apr 06)
Energy, the Environment and Public Transportation (slides) and notes
A transcript of Tony Noerpel's address to the Community Transportation Association of Virginia (CATV) at their Aug 17 EXPO.
(Aug 06)
The Cost of Global Warming
Tony Noerpel, founder of LCCSS, considers the case for Global Warming, and makes the case for why we should care and act.
(Mar 06)
Global Warming and Peak Oil
One Problem
Tony Noerpel present the evidence for global warming & peak oil with graphs and charts and illustrates with colorful examples.
(Jan 06)
Peak Oil: Supply and Demand
Tony Noerpel goes into detailed engineering explanations which underline the increasing evidence that the world's oil demand will soon outstrip supply, and how that is bound to effect us.
(October 05)
21st Century Challenges for Humans (slides)
A slide show presented by Tony Noerpel in conjunction with the October '05 Leesburg showing of "The End of Suburbia". Contains many evocative graphs, charts & photos in support of anthropogenic Global Warming.
(October 05)
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For more information about LCCSS, please contact
Tony Noerpel
[email protected]
(540) 882-3289
or, subscribe to the LCCSS mailing list.
last updated: Feb 11, 2009 | Thanks to Decipher
for use of webspace.