LCCSS meeting December 7, 2006


1)����������� attendance, approval of the agenda;����������� 5 minutes

2)����������� governance and by-laws;��� 5 minutes

Formation of committee

3) ������� Cool cities update - report from Linda Reeder;����������� 10 minutes

����������� Read into the minutes Linda�s report

����������� Solicit new committee members

4) ����������� Sponsor High school science fair project award; 5 minutes

We have been offered a contribution to sponsor a youth activity - other suggestions are solicited

----Pause for introductions----

5)����������� Advocacy; 10 minutes

legislation in Virginia, clean energy

����������� Read into the minutes Diana�s email

����������� Read into the minutes Timothy�s email

����������� Formation of committee

6)�������� BOS meeting what can we do?plan for next election?; 10 minutes

����������� Report from Will Stewart read into minutes

����������� Will Stewart to report and lead discussion

Discussion about updates to the County Zoning Ordinance to encourage LEED construction

Start a group to examine the County Transportation Plan for more

sustainability options

����������� Formation of committee

7) ������� CCAN Jan 20 dunk in the bay; 10 minutes

����������� Letter from Mike Tidwell read into minutes

����������� Email from Diana Dascalu read into minutes

8)�������� Spring program and schedule; 10 minutes

a series of smaller venue lectures and films with partners, UU church, St. Andrews, other churches and groups, Blue Ridge Leader, etc.

One suggested topic is environmental stewardship

we still have lots of topics and lots of volunteers who have offered to give presentations

sponsor a movie at Tally Ho in Spring as part of DC Environmnetal Film Festival

����������� Form committee

9)�������� Next Summitt planning: 10 minutes

Form committee

We should target a timely date preceding the BOS election coordinate with item 6

10)������ Summit debriefing: 10 minutes

celebrate our success��

lessons learned

11)������ summer picnic; 5 minutes

Formation of committee

12)������ Ace Waste update � Ken Mogul; 10 minutes

13) ����� Liaison reports

Citizenre from Richard George

14)������ next meeting



1)����������� Attendance: Gina Faber, Charles Hinckley, Terri Glass, Ken Mogul, Travis Ritenour, Richard George, Eric White, Tony Noerpel, Will Stewart, Scott Findley, Otto Gutenson


2)                  By-Laws:Tony suggested that we are getting too big to be ad hoc and another group offered us a donation but we are not prepared to accept donations.Also, as evident in the meeting minutes, we are tackling as broader and more ambitions program.David Bailey, Pat Quinn and Tony Noerpel will be the by laws committee.Volunteers are invited to participate.There should not be much work to do.


3)                  Cool Cities update:Tony read email from Linda Reeder


Eric White reported that the next meeting with EAC will be December 20.


Hi guys,

Sorry, I won't be able to make it tomorrow night, but wanted to give you an

update on the Leesburg Cool Cities campaign.


We met with the Environmental Advisory Commission (EAC) in Oct. and Irish

Grandfield, the town environmental planner, who's totally on board with Cool

Cities, said that after we all left, they had a discussion about picking

three issues to focus on as action items, and that he was pleased that

several members suggested that Cool Cities be one of the three. He said he

was "cautiously optimistic" that when they decide on the three areas of

focus, Cool Cities will be one of them. They meet this month, but Irish says

there's nothing else for us to do. The EAC plays an advisory role to the

Town Council, and if they decide to support Cool Cities, they would make the

recommendation to the council to sign on.

Irish is our point of contact, and I've been passing info to him that

supports our proposal.


Hope you have a good meeting. And GREAT JOB on the Climate Summit!

I passed all 3 newspaper articles on to the EAC.




Cool Cities Committee: Linda Reeder, Chair, Eric White, Brookes Cressman, Travis Ritenour, Otto Gutenson, Richard George, Scott Findley


We should decide soon whether or not to approach other towns now or wait until we are successful with Leesburg.


4)                  Youth activities:Tony reported that we were offered a donation to sponsor a youth activity which has a climate theme.Gina and Tony proposed to sponsor a high school science fair award.Other ideas are solicited.


Youth activities committee:Tony Noerpel, Gina Faber, Will Stewart, Ken Mogul


5)                  Advocacy at the state level:Diana�s email, Timothy�s email,


From Diana:


LEGISLATION in Virginia GA-I need you guys to get everyone at themeeting ready and signed up to get involved with the legislative session thisyear in VA.We are pushing for aclean electricity bill (Mike Tidwell mentioned it at the Summit) and we aregoing to need 5 to 10 of you to be ready to write letters, make phone calls andpossibly have meetings with Joe May and others in your area to promote thisbill.Please get commitments frompeople at the meeting to do these action items in the next 2 months.This is very important if we want to besuccessful this year on this bill. Send the list of people committing to doingthese things to me after the meeting so I can get them on an email list for ourleg action team.


From Timothy:


Marty Martinez may run for state delegate next year.He hand delivered several of our RPS packets to assembly members last year.He has read the current clean energy (aka RPS bill), and would like to make it part of his campaign next year (if it doesn't pass this year).But he would like someone to explain to him some of the elements.I can do this at some point, or hook him up with Dyana or someone at CCAN, but if someone else at LCCSS wanted to take this on it would be fine by me.


Committee:Diana Dascalu, Travis Ritenour, Timothy Wyant, Tony Noerpel, Will Stewart, Charles Hickley, Terri Glass, Gina Faber, Ken Mogul, Eric White, Richard George, Scott Findley, Otto Gutenson.


Terri Glass will sponsor a letter signing at the UU Church in Sterling needs sample letters.


6)�������� BOS advocacy:plan for activities leading up to next election.Will Stewart email


BOS committee:Will Stewart, Chair, Tony Noerpel, Charles Hinckley, Terri Glass, Travis Ritenour.


Below was my input I gave yesterday at the BOS Rural Zoning hearing. At hearings such as this, we could make a fuller pitch, with two or more people signing up for consecutive time slots, presenting the case more completely with a Powerpoint presentation.

Will Stewart


In his 2006 State of the Union address, President Bush made the statement, �America is addicted to oil�, and urged breaking this addiction, especially concerning oil from the volatile Middle East. If we are to follow his lead, then we would promote land use planning that would minimize Vehicle Miles Traveled.The increased development in Western Loudoun County as envisioned by the Staton plan would increase the number of vehicular miles traveled, thus increasing our dependence onmiddle east oil.


On top of this, we are becoming increasingly aware of the approaching peak in oil production. Many petrogeologists with phds and decades of field experience have stated that such a peak will happen before the decade is out.Indeed, some say it is happening now.The most widely optimistic projections give us only another 25 years.Once this peak occurs, prices will rise far above the $3/gal mark we recently experienced.


The Bush administration has also embraced smart growth, with two of the primary strategy goals being;

-������ Promote infill and redevelopment

-������ Promote land use measures that reduce development in outlying regions


Again, the Staton plan actually goes against the President�s policies by increasing the amount of development in outlying regions.True infill development would mean pedestrian communities supported by mass transit, such as Moorefield Station, which provides homes without the impact of crippling congestion.


I would also invite all of the Supervisors to commute in from Western Loudoun on any typical workday.They�ll find that Western roads are now congested; for example, the bypass around Leesburg screeches to a halt far from Leesburg, often as far out as Hamilton.The Staton plan would add 300,000 car trips per day to these already congested roads.


So I strongly encourage you to vote on and implement the Clem/Burton plan without grandfathering of current proposals and applications.


6)                  CCAN Jump in the bay:email from Diana and email from Mike Tidwell


Email from Diana


Bay Jump for CCAN-Please urge anyone interested to sign up with Anne Havemann at [email protected] and then they will get the email to send to their loved ones for pledges.�� I would take down the names of people interested.�� Its on January 20 th and its going to be at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation HQ outside of Annapolis , MD.


Email from Mike Tidwell


Thanks for Agreeing to Jump Into the Bay Jan. 20th!

Now Here�s How To Raise $500 In One Hour To �Keep Winter Cold�



Thanks so much for agreeing to jump into the Chesapeake Bay with us on Saturday January 20th at 11 a.m. to raise awareness about global warming. We�ll send you more information about the event, including directions to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, in the coming days.

But right now, we hope you�ll take just one hour to send the special letter below to 25 of your closest friends and relatives. This letter will help you collect �sponsors� for your January 20 dip. I can tell you from experience that this is an amazingly easy way to raise money for a good cause. Indeed, if you use our battle-tested method, you can raise all your pledges entirely by e-mail. No going door-to-door. No phone calls. No licking envelopes. You�ll never even have to touch the money�all while doing just one hour of work! I promise.


All you have to do is send the template e-mail letter below to all your friends and family. The letter works! Using this method for the Bay Jump last year, I personally raised $2000, and I never went door to door or made a phone call.

Just send out the letter, keep a list of who responds and how much they pledge, join us for our jump in the Bay on January 20th, and then after the swim, we�ll provide a similar e-mail message with instructions on how people can send in their pledge. I guarantee that if you send out the appeal letter to 25 people, you will raise at least $500 in one hour or less on the computer.

While any and all funds are certainly welcome (!), we strongly suggest setting a personal goal. This year, we are encouraging our core supporters to set a goal of raising $500 (equal to 25 of your family/friends making a $20 pledge). I myself am setting a goal of raising $5,000.


So please, if you can, make a little time to join us in this vital fund-raising effort. You'll feel good about the results and you'll enjoy the dip even more.


Please don�t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.




Mike Tidwell


Chesapeake Climate Action Network


[email protected]




How to raise $500 to fight global warming in just one hour -- and get a fun dip in the Chesapeake Bay for your trouble!


Letter #1: Send before the Plunge


Note: Suggested subject line for this email letter is: "(name of your friend), I�m turning blue for global warming!�



Dear (name of your friend),


On Saturday, January 20th I�ll be jumping into the icy Chesapeake Bay for a really good cause: The fight against global warming. Yes, you read that right. I�ll be plunging right into the water at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in Annapolis with fifty other crazy people. The event, organized by the Chesapeake Climate Action Network, is meant to raise awareness in the fight to �Keep Winter Cold� and thus save our planet from the growing crisis of global warming.

So here�s the deal: I�ll agree to get wet and cold if you�ll agree to sponsor me. By making a pledge to support my playful suffering, you'll help CCAN fulfill its mission of educating and mobilizing the citizens of the Virginia/Maryland/DC region to take concrete steps to protect our climate. The suggested minimum pledge is $20 but if you give more it will help CCAN accomplish more.


So please let me know if you can make a pledge toward this very worthwhile event. Also know that CCAN is a reputable, nonprofit organization based in Takoma Park, MD. with an emphasis on community-based, grassroots organizing. You can learn more about CCAN at Your contribution is tax-deductible.


If you can make a pledge, just let me know the amount right now and then I'll follow up with you after the swim to collect your contribution.


Thanks so much,




Bay jumpers:Tony Noerpel, Travis Ritenour


Contributors:Gina Faber, Ken Mogul, Eric White, Will Stewart


8)�������� Spring lecture and film program:organize committee


Committee:Tony Noerpel, Otto Gutenson, Gina Faber, Tim Wyant, Will Stewart, Travis Ritenour, Eric White, Richard George, Terri Glass, Scott Findley


9)�������� Summit: form committee for next year�s summit

Several ideas for alternative summits were suggested.A forum for eleced officials, for example.


Committee: Tony Noerpel, Will Stewart, Terri Glass, Ken Mogul, Scott Findley, Richard George.



10)              Summit debriefing


Bring a camera or even video tape it, ask media outlet to co-sponsor,


There was a complaint that there was too much guilt.


Members reported three good articles in the local papers.Action to send references to Gina to post on the server.


Email from Timothy Wyant


It is definitely a good idea to start earlier on a fall summit.I would also recommend making a program.That's what I did for Dickerson.Put a brief bio of the speakers in the program, then you don't have to waste time introducing them.Put their contact info in their, so everyone can walk away with complete contact info without collecting (and losing) different sheets of paper from different tables.Put LCCSS info on the back.If possible, include a next meeting date and place to encourage people to show up again and keep momentum rolling.



11)����������� Summer picnic:form a committee


Committee: Tony Noerpel, Ken Mogul, Scott Findley


12)������ Ace Waste Update: Ken Mogul


Things look good. Need support at the BOS meeting December 12th, 6:30 pm.


13)������ Liaison Reports and other business:Citizenre report Richard George


This is an opportunity for home owners who cannot afford the $50K or so upfront costs for solar installation to enjoy solar energy.


Email from Timothy Wyant on Catoctin council


Catoctin Council (parent organization of Citizens for Catoctin County) will be putting on Crazy Like a Fox in January and inviting various local slow growth and environmental groups to have a table.It would be good to have an LCCSS presence.The Council is also looking into, as part of its charter to help preserve rural economies and communities in the state, several issues related to those on the agenda, and could partner on items such as the transportation plan, green building codes, the Board of Supervisors election, and so on.


14)������ next meeting: January 4, Thursday 7 pm, place TBD