From: "Jeanne West" <[email protected]>

To: <[email protected]>

Subject: Sustainable Loudoun questionnaire

Date: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 1:50 PM


Jeanne West, candidate Sterling District Supervisor


1.Will you support reinstating the Loudoun PDR program?���� Yes


���� Do you support measures for preserving and encouraging a sustainable rural economy in Western Loudoun?Yes


2.Would you support a comprehensive energy conservation plan for Loudoun Co?��� Yes


���� Would you support adoption of the Cool Counties Initiative for Loudoun Co.?���� Yes


����� Would you support a policy that reduces oyur reliance on County landfills?��� Yes


3.�� Yes.


4.��� Would you support the development of a school system wide Sustainable

Schools initiative?Yes


���� Will you support changes to the school building standards to accommodate green building principles.��� Yes


Comments:As energy costs continue to rise, it is crucial that the county

adopts inovative school designs which lower energy consumption.Such design

could provide signifigant energy cost savings over the life of school

buildings.Studies have shown that green built schools provide a healthier

learning atmosphere for students.