From: "Robert Ohneiser" <[email protected]>


School Board candidate for re-election - Broad Run District



Robert J. Ohneiser


A. YES!!!I felt very lonely on the school board as I was the only voice

against allowing cell towers on school property. The most recent decision

was to do so in Hamilton on the Harmony site. I lost the vote 1 to 8 even

though I brought leukemia risk information to the board's attention

including the fact that children are more sensitive to such dangers and they

involuntarily stay in these zones for so many hours per day they would be

treated as an OSHA environment. I continually challenge the temperature

levels LCPS keeps the classrooms as it seems more likely to spur mold growth

and other inhaled problems by being too warm. I could have used some support

as well when I was concerned about all the trailers in Loudoun none of which

have any lightning protection. I also supported the platinum level green

proposal for building the Monroe Advanced Technology Academy in Ashburn. My

votes are my evidence of consistently pushing for student safety especially

as it relates to environmental hazards.


B. 1 Meal prep and food selection workshops (including parents with their



�� 2 Reinforce learnd concepts by extending education to parents


�� 3 Upgrade nutritional quality of food offered in school lunches


�� 4 Restrict sale of candy, soda etc


�� 5 Adopt healthy snacks/parties policy


�� 6 Teach significance of packaging and proceessed foods (include parents)


�� 7 Incorporate in-school kitchen gardens and school food service


�� 8 Initiate partnerships between local farms and school food service


2.YES!!I was the school board member who initiated the lunch waste study

which was referred to many times by food service management as helping them

better understand student eating behaviors.






D.5, YESI have already challenged our energy management group to review

the wasteful practices of PRCS when they use schools at night in the winter

leaving doors open etc. If you review the June 2007 webcast you will see how

hard I pushed for better control of the amount of energy LCPS uses including

eliminating waste from PRCS uncontrolled practices.


��� 6, Impediments range from staff defensiveness about being measured

including how well they manage other users of school system assets such as

PRCS. Local communities can exert considerable pressure which we saw in

Hamilton as they coreced the school system to give them the water tower so

they could put cell tower facilities on it therby avoiding having to get

approval of the school board which I led the charge to prevent them to be

able to do so.


Please review the input you receive from these surveys with the votes that

have been taken. It is far easier to say you believe in green building

concepts yet how many Supervisors voted against the Monroe Advanced

Technology Academy precisely because the cost of making it platinum green

was higher than they wanted to pay. How many school board members other than

me voted to allow Hamilton to put cellular facilities on the water tower

when they asked for that about a year ago? How many voted to give the water

tower to Hamilton knowing full well they would put our kids in increased

danger of leukemia by doing so?


Thanks for asking such important questions and allowing me the opportunity

to answer them.


Bob Ohneiser Esq.

Broad Run District School Board Member����