From: "Andrea McGimsey" <[email protected]>

Subject: LCCSS questionnaire

Date: Friday, September 14, 2007 11:19 PM



1 rural Economy




I support measures for preserving and encouraging a sustainable rural economy in Western Loudoun.


As Potomac District supervisor, I will work to build the local economy of Loudoun County, including both the economy in eastern Loudoun, as well as the rural economy.Businesses, including those in the rural area, increase the commercial tax base, bringing in much-needed revenue to the county.

Because our commercial tax base has decreased under the current Board's

term, the new Board of Supervisors must support all of our local businesses

and attract more businesses.We need strong zoning that supports the rural

economy, including farms, wineries, and tourism.



2 Carbon emissions and environmental standards


I support a comprehensive energy conservation plan for Loudoun County.


I support adoption of the Cool Counties Initiative for Loudoun County.


I support common sense policies that would reduce our reliance on county



Due to the lack of federal action on carbon emissions, we must show strong

leadership on reducing carbon emissions at the local level.There is

increasing awareness among the public that our children's future is at

stake. We must harness this awareness and human energy to start making the

needed changes as soon as possible.


Experts warn that we must take decisive action within the next ten years to

change the trajectory of carbon emissions and the resulting climate change.

We must work together as a community to inform one another, make wise,

strong, and timely decisions, and then act.


I have a strong track record in making information available to the public

and building consensus among citizens, leading to real change at the policy

and legislative levels.I promise to show strong leadership on this issue.



Green Building Standards


I support a county initiative to draft green building standards legislation

to create incentives for public and private investment in green buildings.


Green buildings will save Loudoun money.That is the bottom-line.We seem

to easily make development decisions that will increase citizens' taxes for

many years to come.Surely we can make decisions that will save Loudoun

citizens money for many years to come.


In addition, I see green building as a strong economic development tool.

Loudoun has many citizens and business in the building trade.Many business

magazines have said that "green" is the new economy.Loudoun can show

leadership in green building � and profit, both in energy savings and in

economic development in this area.


Education and Schools


I support the development of a school system-wide Sustainable Schools



I support changes in school citing policies to give greater weight to

placing appropriately size schools near the communities they serve.


I support changes to the school building standards to accommodate green

building principles, which would provide a healthier environment for our

children, use resources sustainably and generate life-cycle cost savings for

the taxpayers.



The school budget comprises almost 3/4 of the entire county budget.How we

build and maintain our schools has a huge impact on our overall budget and

the future of our county.One of the greatest ways we can address our

county's impact of climate change is through addressing issues with our



We need to strongly support science education in Loudoun County.In order

to address the challenges of climate change, our children must understand

the basic science of the earth's living system.